Since 1993 top quality translating and interpreting.


AKN Translation and Interpretation has been in the market since 1993, providing customized and top quality services in the areas of WRITTEN, CONSECUTIVE and SIMULTANEOUS translation.

AKN works in partnership with professionals qualified in different languages and diverse academic background. Its main focus is to service the client with agility, efficiency and broad coverage, and committed to successfully fulfill its customers’ needs.

Seminars, Conferences, Lectures, Workshops, Meetings, Interviews, Focus Groups, Video and Tele Conferences, guided tours and academic papers.

The satisfaction of our clients, featuring all sectors of the economy – from public to private and from manufacture to services – endorses our competence.


Paula Librach Parisotto, head of AKN Translation and Interpretation SINCE 1993, was born in São Paulo and holds a Degree from the São Paulo Business Administration School – Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). She added to this a program of the Retail Graduation studies at the Higher School of Advertisement and Marketing (ESPM).

Mrs. Parisotto started at St. Paul’s School (SP) where she took her London University “O” Levels in English, Italian, French and Portuguese and then continued high-school studies at the Colégio Dante Alighieri (SP).

At the start of her professional career, while holding procurement and general administration positions, she began to incorporate written and consecutive translation tasks.

Mrs. Parisotto eventually embraced written and simultaneous translation activities on a full time basis and in addition to translating to and from English, Portuguese, and Italian she also covers simultaneous translation from Spanish to these languages. She has also been travelling abroad to service her clients. She is married, lives in São Paulo (BR) and is the mother of 3 daughters.

Mrs Parisotto is a member of the Brazilian Sindicato Nacional de Tradutores (SINTRA)


Associations & Industry & Institutes
. ABAG (Associação Brasileira do Agronegócio) - Agribusiness Association
. ABIOVE (Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de óleos Vegetais) - Vegetable Oils
. ABITRIGO (Associação Brasileira Indústria do Trigo) – Wheat Industry Assoc.
. ANDA (Associação Nacional Difusão Adubos) – Fertilizers Association
. ANDEF (Associação Nacional da Defesa Vegetal) – Vegetal Defense Assoc.
. APROSOJA (Associação dos Produtores de Soja e Milho) – Soybean and Corn Producers Assoc.
. BR Partners (Finance)
. Earth Innovation
. FDTE (Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Tecnológico da Engenharia) - Engeneering Development
. Forest Trends
. CIPIAGRI (Congresso Internacional Propriedade Intelectual na Agricultura) - Intelectual Property in Agriculture
. CHROMATOX Laboratórios (Meeting Society of Hair)
. GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
. ICE (Instituto de Cidadania Empresarial) - Corporate Citizenship
. ICONE (Inst. Estudos do Comércio e Negociações Internacionais) Institute of International Trade and Negotiations Studies
. IDEC (Instit. Brasil. Defesa do Consumidor) Consumers’ Protection Institute
. Instituto Sangari
. IDIS - Instituto para o Deselvolvimento do Investimento Social
. INPI - (International Plant Nutrition Institute)
. ISLE Utilities – Clean Technologies (Water etc)
. ProForest
. RSPO – Round Table Sustainable Palm Oil
. RTRS – Round Table on Responsible Soy Association
. RTSB – Round Table on Sustainable Beef (GTPS)
. SINDUSTRIGO (Sindicato Indústria Trigo SP) - Wheat Industry Union
. Sociedade Antroposófica no Brasil
. ÚNICA – (União da Indústria da Cana de Açúcar) - Sugar Cane Industry
. DNV – GL - Water Footprint Network / Process Safety
. WRI – World Resources Institute
. Volkswagen do Brasil
Science / Health
. Escola Paulista de Medicina (UniFESP) - Medical School Federal University of São Paulo
. DERDIC - Education and Rehab of Communication Disorders
. Escola Rio Branco Crianças Surdas - School for Deaf Children
. CPqD
. CETESB - Environmental Department of the State of São Paulo
. SABESP - Water and Basic Sanitation Company of the State of Sao Paulo
. CIB – Conselho de Informações em Biotecnologia
. CONVEPA- Congresso Veterinário (Recife - 12/2014) - Veterinary Conference
. Fundação Getulio Vargas – EAESP / FGV Direito / FGV Economia
. Faculdade de Direito São Francisco (USP)
. Instituto Pieron
. Instituto Sangari
. Sociedade Antroposófica no Brasil
. Revista Fapesp
Event Organizers
. LinkAd
. Neuronio/Sator
. Sirin
. Subway
. Wenter
Victoria Books – Publishing House
. OCA – Vol 1 – Arquitetura no Brasil - (Architecture)
. OCA – Vol 2 – Arquitetura no Brasil - Casas (Homes)
. Anuário Brasileiro de Construtoras e Incorporadoras


Tradução e Interpretação AKN Traduções Ltda. - ME
CNPJ 51.210.144/0001-03
Phone (+5511) 5681 5673 | Mobile (+5511) 9 8383 3258